Solid Tumors account for 30% of all childhood cancers. Sarcoma, a cancer that develops in the bone and soft tissue are the most common types of non-central nervous systems solid tumors diagnosed in children. While advances have been made in survival rates over the past several decades, these solid tumors remain among the most resistant…
Tag Archives: immunotherapy
FDA Approves CART-19
It is extremely encouraging that in less than 6 years CART-19 went from new clinical trial status to Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval for treatment. The very first FDA approved immunotherapy treatment was for an adult prostate cancer in 2010. In 2011, six-year old Emily Whitehead received the first pediatric trial of a novel…
Very good news for young cancer patients
The Seattle Times recently ran an article in which they featured a “promising Seattle Children’s clinical trial”. You guessed right, they are talking about our very own Dr. Jensen and the amazing success he is having. Please be sure to read the full article so you can get a glimpse into where Make Some Noise…
Seattle Children’s begins immunotherapy research trial for Neuroblastoma
Based upon the previous success with immunotherapy for patients with recurring leukemia, Seattle Children’s Research Institute announced the opening of patient enrollment for its new FDA authorized clinical trial designed to induce remission in children suffering from Neuroblastoma, one of the deadliest forms of childhood cancer. The Phase 1 trial is one of the first…
Another T cell immunotherapy success
Another miraculous T cell immunotherapy success is reported. Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute announced on February 18 that patient Milton Wright III, diagnosed for the third time with leukemia and given little chance of survival, was infused with his own reprogrammed T cells and within two weeks was leukemia free. This is the second encouraging…
Juno biotech launch focuses on immunotherapies for cancer
The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), along with pediatric partner Seattle Children’s Research Institute, have joined forces to launch Juno Therapeutics Inc., a new biotechnology company focused on bringing forward novel immunotherapies for cancer. Juno is being launched with an initial investment of $120M, making it one…
A Taste of Lynwood and the Baker Hill Challenge

September was National Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, and the annual A Taste of Lynwood event gave us the opportunity again this year to present a fun activity booth and promote awareness of childhood cancer and our efforts to help fund critical research. Our extremely popular Fish Pond attracted hundreds of youngsters “fishing” for noise makers,…
Grant presented for Immunotherapy clinical trials

The $35,000.00 grant presented to Dr. Michael C. Jensen on July 22 by Northwest Chapter President Jack Sutherland and Treasurer Eric Gjelde (see photo, above) brings the Make Some Noise total to date to $115,000. This and future grants will go to Immunotherapy clinical trials. Dr. Jensen is Director of the Ben Towne Center for…
Immunotheraphy Phase I cancer trial update
Seattle Children’s announces that the first patient in a cellular immunotherapy Phase 1 cancer trial has had a positive response to T-cell therapy. The patient had experienced a second relapse earlier this year, could no longer be treated with chemotherapy, and had less than a 20% chance of survival. “At this time, we do not…
Noise Night Northwest

Noise Night Northwest, a benefit concert on May 10 at the Treehouse Café in Lynwood Center, packed the house for live musical entertainment by Eilen Jewell, food and drinks, and a stimulating presentation by Dr. Michael Jensen on immunotherapy research. The alt-country musical talent helped to raise over $5,000 for kids cancer research at Seattle…