about our founder

11 year old Malcolm had been battling pediatric cancer since his diagnosis in the late fall of 2008. He was 10 years old at the time and had spent the fall sidelined in soccer due to pain in his hip, thought to be caused by a broken growth plate.
Just after Thanksgiving 2008, he was officially diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a highly aggressive and malignant bone tumor. While enduring 14 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove his hip, rehabilitation, and keeping up with his school work, Malcolm realized that he saw no awareness for pediatric cancer. He decided to tackle the challenge of raising awareness and critically needed private funding to support research for pediatric cancers. He began publicly speaking out and raising funds through the sale of his wristbands.
Malcolm gave all funds to his pediatric hospital’s cancer research facility, but decided that in order to really “make some noise,” he needed to expand and thus his dream to incorporate a national foundation was born.

Malcolm presents a $60,000 check to Dr. Jensen